Alex Hormozi Net Worth 2024: 7 Ways Alex Hormozi Made His Money

Alex Hormozi Net Worth & Income Sources

Alex Hormozi is a first-generation, Iranian American entrepreneur and investor who has achieved an impressive net worth of $100 million in 2024.

Alex Hormozi is a self-made millionaire whose net worth is estimated to be $100M (Around £80M) in 2024. 

With his wife, Leila Hormozi, Alex Hormozi has founded several highly successful startups, including Gym Launch,, A.L.A.N., and Prestige Labs.

Now, if you’re curious to dive deep into Alex Hormozi’s net worth in 2024 and how he makes money, keep on reading.

Key Takeaways

  • Alex Hormozi is a self-made millionaire who has achieved a net worth of $100 million in 2024.
  • A.L.A.N., Gym Launch,, and Prestige Labs are a few of Alex Hormozi’s highly successful startups founded along with his wife, Leila Hormozi.
  • Alex Hormozi’s story began in Austin, Texas, where he developed an early obsession with fitness. He became a millionaire at the age of 23.

Alex Hormozi’s Net Worth in 2024

Full NameAlex Hormozi
Net Worth in 2024$100M
Source of IncomeGym Launch,, A.L.A.N., Skool & Prestige Labs
Known asEntrepreneur, Investor, Influencer, Fitness Geek
Date of Birth1989
CountryUnited States (Iranian-American)
Alex Hormozi Biography

As of 2024, Alex Hormozi’s estimated net worth stands at $100 million, according to Yahoo Finance.

Hormozi’s journey to success began with his first gym purchase in his 20s. From there, he continued to focus on building his empire, and his hard work paid off.

He has since exited seven companies and invested in high-cash flow, sales-focused startups offering digital products and services.

Hormozi’s investment philosophy is centered around cash flow and sales.

He believes that investing in businesses that generate consistent cash flow is the key to long-term wealth creation.

All in all, his success has earned him a place on the list of wealthiest American entrepreneurs.

Who is Alex Hormozi?

Who is Alex Hormozi

Alex Hormozi is a successful entrepreneur, investor, author, and speaker.

He is best known for his expertise in business and his ability to create successful startups.

Although Hormzoi has launched and sold multiple companies, currently his most successful project is, a company that focuses on acquiring and operating successful businesses.

Alex Hormozi’s father immigrated from Iran to the USA during the Iranian Revolution.

He was born and raised in the United States and attended the University of California, Los Angeles, where he earned a degree in Economics.

After college, he worked as a personal trainer and a strength coach.

He later started his own gym, which he grew into a successful business.

Alex Hormozi is a self-made millionaire. He invests his wealth mostly into high cash flow, sales-focused startups offering digital products and services.

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Alex Hormozi’s Entrepreneurial Journey

Alex Hormozi and his wife, Leila Hormozi have acquired a $100M+ net worth through their ventures in various industries.

Here is a brief overview of Alex Hormozi’s entrepreneurial journey:

Early Ventures

Alex Hormozi started his entrepreneurial journey at a young age.

As a teenager, he started a car detailing business, which he later sold for a profit. 

He also dabbled in real estate, buying and selling properties for a profit.

After graduating from college, Alex Hormozi worked in corporate America for a short time.

However, he soon realized that he wanted to be his own boss and started his own gym.

While the gym was successful, Alex Hormozi knew he wanted to do more.

Gym Launch Success

In 2017, Alex Hormozi founded Gym Launch, a company that helps gym owners grow their businesses.

The company was an instant success, with revenues reaching $50 million in just three years.

In 2020, Alex Hormozi sold Gym Launch for $46 million, solidifying his success as an entrepreneur.

Expanding the Business Empire

After selling Gym Launch, Alex Hormozi and his wife, Leila, continued to expand their business empire.

They founded and invested in various startups, including, A.L.A.N., Prestige Labs, and more.

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Here is the table of Alex Hormozi’s famous companies and startups with their launch year:

CompanyLaunch Year
Gym Launch2016
Prestige Labs2019
Invested in Skool2024
Alex Hormozi Companies

How Did Alex Hormozi Make His Money?

Alex Hormozi has been able to accumulate a net worth of $100 million through various revenue streams, including Gym Launch,, and investments and assets.

1. Gym Launch

Gym Launch, founded by Alex Hormozi, is a company that helps gym owners get more members and increase their revenue.

The company provides a range of services, including marketing, sales, and operations, to help gym owners increase their membership base and revenue.

In 2018, Alex Hormozi sold Gym Launch for $46.2 million, which contributed significantly to his net worth.

2. home page by Alex and Leila Hormozi acquires and grows new startups and established businesses.

The company was founded in 2020 and provides a range of services, including due diligence, financing, and growth strategies to grow businesses successfully. claims that the companies it manages “The companies generate $200,000,000 per year in aggregate.” has been extremely successful and contributes significantly to Alex Hormozi’s net worth.

3. Prestige Labs

Prestige Labs was also created by Alex, and it’s a supplement company.

Being a fitness guru, this high-quality supplement company became part of his wealth-building strategy and has contributed to Hormozi’s net worth.

4. A.L.A.N.

Alex’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to explore software development.

He founded A.L.A.N., a software company that has likely contributed to his net worth.

5. Skool

Skool Logo

In January 2024, Alex Hormozi announced on his Instagram that he’d made “the largest investment of my life into”.

Skool is an online community platform that offers interactive learning and networking opportunities.

Alex Hormozi is likely making a handsome amount from this platform that adds to his net worth.

6. Investments & Assets

Alex Hormozi has invested his wealth mostly into high cash flow, sales-focused startups offering digital products and services.

He has also invested in real estate and other assets that generate passive income. These investments have contributed significantly to his net worth.

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7. Book Sales & Royalties

Alex Hormozi has authored bestselling 2 books that provide valuable insights into business, sales, and scaling strategies.

These books have sold over a million copies combined and have contributed to Alex Hormozi’s net worth significantly. 

Let’s explore each of his books in detail:

Book 1: “$100M Offers”:

Description: In this book, Alex Hormozi shares his expertise in creating irresistible offers that leave people feeling compelled to say yes. He dives into the psychology behind crafting high-converting offers that resonate with potential customers.

This book has been the No. 1 Amazon BEST SELLER for over TWO YEARS and has sold over 800,000 copies worldwide.

Key Topics of “$100M Offers”:

Offer Structure: Alex breaks down the components of a winning offer, emphasizing clarity, value, and urgency.

Pricing Strategies: He discusses pricing models that maximize revenue without alienating customers.

Sales Psychology: The book explores how to tap into human psychology to create offers that trigger emotional responses.

Who is “$100M Offers” Best for:

This book is a must-read for entrepreneurs, marketers, and sales professionals aiming to boost their conversion rates and revenue.

Book 2: “$100M Leads”:

Description: In “$100M Leads” Alex focuses on lead generation strategies that drive business growth. He shares practical techniques for acquiring high-quality leads and nurturing them effectively.

Key Topics of “$100M Leads”:

Lead Magnets: Alex discusses creating compelling lead magnets that attract the right audience.

Lead Capture: He provides insights into optimizing lead capture forms and landing pages.

Lead Nurturing: The book covers nurturing leads through automated sequences and personalized communication.

Who is “$100M Leads” Best for:

Published in 2023, this book is best for entrepreneurs and marketers looking to build a robust lead generation system will find this book invaluable.

Alex Hormozi’s Social Media Empire

Alex Hormozi has achieved remarkable popularity across various social media platforms.

  • YouTube: Alex Hormozi’s YouTube channel, “Alex Hormozi”, has an impressive audience of over 2.29 million subscribers. His videos have collectively garnered more than 380 million views.
  • Instagram: On Instagram, he engages a strong following of 2.5M followers under the handle @hormozi. His content primarily revolves around lifestyle, management, marketing, business, and careers.
  • The Game w/ Alex Hormozi: (Podcast) Alex Hormozi’s monthly podcast listens jumped from 20,000 to 150,000 across Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and other platforms.

Here’s what sets Hormozi’s content apart:

  1. Unique Approach and Authenticity:
    • Alex stands out by sharing genuine business experiences and lessons rather than hypotheticals or sales pitches. His authenticity resonates with viewers, making his advice more credible and impactful.
    • He emphasizes the importance of imperfect action, encouraging others to learn from their mistakes and adapt.
  2. Engaging Storytelling and Captions:
    • Alex Hormozi’s captions on social media have become a hot topic due to their exceptional ability to cut through the noise and resonate with audiences. His powerful storytelling, engaging language, and concise yet impactful messaging capture attention3.
    • Whether in videos or written content, his ability to convey relatable stories keeps viewers coming back for more.
  3. Community Building:
    • Alex has successfully built a community around his content. Elements like “never skipping dessert,” “mosey mobiles,” and his signature facial hair create a sense of belonging for his audience.
    • His followers unite around the shared values and unique aspects of his brand, fostering a loyal community.

Public Perception & Media Presence

Alex Hormozi’s public image is a blend of admiration and intrigue.

As an entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator, he has garnered attention through his various ventures and accomplishments.

Let’s delve into how the media and the public perceive him:

1. Business Success:

Alex Hormozi has a proven track record of success in business.

He founded and scaled up seven companies without relying on financial aid like debt or fundraisers.

His ability to monetize and scale businesses has contributed to his positive image.

“The most addictive drug is making money doing something you love.” Alex Hormozi

2. Entrepreneurial Journey:

Alex’s journey began with a brick-and-mortar gym, which he expanded to multiple locations, generating substantial monthly revenue.

He then transitioned to other ventures, turning around more than 32 businesses across different industries.

His model for monetization and growth has been instrumental in his success.

3. Media Presence:

Alex Hormozi hosts a podcast called “The Game w/ Alex Hormozi.”

In this podcast, he shares insights on acquiring more customers, increasing profit per customer, and retaining them longer.

Plus, he’s appeared on many podcasts that have gained millions of views because of his charismatic personality.

4. Authenticity and Value:

Alex’s content creation emphasizes authenticity and transparency.

By providing value and sharing his experiences, he has built a thriving personal brand.

5. Challenges and Learning:

Alex’s willingness to share failures and lessons learned massively contributes to his reliability.

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Alex and Leila Hormozi: A Power Couple

alex and leila hormozi

Alex and Leila Hormozi are a powerful couple who have built a business empire together.

Humble Beginnings

The couple’s journey began in 2013 when they founded Gym Launch, a fitness marketing company that quickly gained momentum.

Alex, with his expertise in marketing and business growth, and Leila, with her background in sales and customer service, formed a dynamic duo.

They worked tirelessly, bootstrapping their business and learning from their mistakes.

Scaling Businesses Together Success

As Gym Launch flourished, they expanded their reach by creating Prestige Labs, a business incubator and consulting firm.

This new venture allowed them to share their knowledge and expertise with other entrepreneurs, helping them scale their businesses.

Through Prestige Labs, they’ve guided numerous companies to success, solidifying their reputation as a power couple in the business world.

Supporting Each Other

“Your spouse marries two people. The person you are and the person you want to become

Throughout their journey, Alex and Leila have been each other’s rock, supporting and encouraging each other through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

They credit their success to their ability to work seamlessly together and leverage each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Overcoming Challenges

The couple has faced their fair share of challenges, including the loss of their first business, Gym Launch, due to a partnership gone sour.

However, they didn’t let this setback define them. Instead, they used it as a valuable learning experience and channeled their energy into building Prestige Labs. 

Inspiring Others

Today, Alex and Leila Hormozi are celebrated as a power couple, inspiring millions through their social media presence, speaking engagements, and bestselling books.

Their story is proof of the power of partnership, perseverance, and mutual support in achieving success. 

3 Lessons We Can Learn from Alex Hormozi

Lesson 1. The Power of Generosity: Give Everything Away

Alex Hormozi’s approach involves giving generously.

His YouTube content is a goldmine of valuable insights, strategies, and actionable advice.

By freely sharing knowledge, he has built trust and a loyal following, positioning himself as an authority in the fitness industry.

The lesson here is clear: generosity fosters trust, which translates into lasting customer relationships.

Lesson 2. The Art of Selling Without Selling: Sell Nothing FIRST

Unlike conventional sales tactics, Alex focuses on selling nothing initially.

Instead, he establishes himself as an expert and problem solver without immediately pushing products.

This approach builds credibility and primes the audience to be receptive to his offers.

It stresses the importance of nurturing leads, educating them, and using value to sell before presenting a product.

Lesson 3. Shouldering the Risk: A Bold Move

Alex’s strategy includes taking all the risks.

Whether it’s his audacious gym business model or his highly successful book, “The $100M Offer,” he courageously puts his reputation and resources on the line.

This level of confidence not only attracts attention but also builds a sense of security for potential clients.

They know he’s not just talking the talk but also walking the walk by taking ownership of the risk involved.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it…

Alex Hormozi’s net worth is estimated to be $100M (Around £80M) in 2024.

He and his wife, Leila Hormozi, founded several highly successful startups like Gym Launch,, A.L.A.N., and Prestige Labs that have contributed to Alex’s net worth.

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FAQs About Alex Hormozi

Who is Alex Hormozi?

Alex Hormozi is a first-generation Iranian-American entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist. He started his first brick-and-mortar business in 2013 and successfully scaled it to six locations. Over the years, he has founded and scaled multiple companies across various industries, including Gym Launch,, A.L.A.N., and Prestige Labs.

How much is Alex Hormozi worth?

Alex Hormozi’s net worth is estimated to be $100M in 2024.

What does Alex Hormozi do?

Alex Hormozi is the managing partner and founder of This platform invests in asset-light, high cash flow, sales-focused service, and digital product businesses. He is also the founder of Gym Launch,, A.L.A.N., and Prestige Labs.

Where does Alex Hormozi live?

Alex Hormozi currently lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States.

How did Alex Hormozi make his money?

Alex made his money through a combination of successful business ventures. He started with brick-and-mortar businesses, scaled them, and later transitioned to the turnaround business. He also founded Gym Launch,, A.L.A.N., and Prestige Labs.

How tall is Alex Hormozi?

Alex Hormozi’s height is 5’9″.

How old is Alex Hormozi?

Alex Hormozi was born in 1989 and he is currently 35 years old.

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